



Part I - General Provisions

Article 1
1. Future "Poland-Turkey Business The association, which will be referred to as "People's Association",

  1. a) deepening, supporting and developing the economic relations between Poland and Turkey,
    b) deepening and strengthening the friendship relations between the two countries. mutual promotion activities,
    c) Supporting and strengthening sportive, touristic and cultural activities in line with the mission and vision of Potiad,
  2. d) Informing the members of the association
    about the possibilities in the execution of economic activities in Poland and Turkey, and helping the members of the association in cooperation and mutual assistance.
  3. e) To provide legal assistance to the members of the association and on their behalf, upon their request.
    f) In the context of strengthening the relations between Poland and Turkey, official authorities, departments, cooperation with associations and other bodies,
  4. g) To motivate individuals and institutions that are successful in the fields of economy, culture, art and sports by rewarding them,
  5. h) To support the commercial ventures of its members. To protect its interests before the authorities of Türkiye, Poland and other countries,
  6. i) To inform its members about legal developments related to their fields of activity, including economy, tax, employment, contract and labor law. It is a voluntary, autonomous association
    for the purpose of developing and disseminating initiatives and activities that create an


  1. The association supports real persons and other units who want to carry out the activities specified in the 1st paragraph of the 1st article in an organized manner.

    Article 2
    The center of the association is in the capital city of Warsaw. legally in Poland or in other countries. can open branches and representative offices. The general assembly decides on the opening of a branch or representative office with the recommendation of the central board of directors.

Article 3
1. The association will act in accordance with this bylaw
with the legislation of the association's annexes law (Official Gazette 1989, number 20, item 104, with subsequent amendments). 2. The association has legal personality.

Article 4
The association may be a member of national and international organizations that are
active for similar purposes. 
Article 5
1. The association is active within the territory of the Republic of Poland . The association may carry out activities within the borders of the Republic of Turkey and other countries within the framework of the laws of those countries in order to realize its own purposes.

Article 6

Additional aims of the course;

  1. a) Execution or dissemination of Association additional activities,
    b) Mutual assistance and cooperation of association members,
    c) Cooperation with all kinds of units and individuals, as well as information gathering and exchange of experiences within the framework of economic activities,
  2. d) Consulting and training for additional members of the Association and legal aid,
    e) Carrying out other activities, to the extent permitted by law, that will help achieve the objectives of the Association.


Article 7
The Association may establish foundations, create appropriate funds and engage in economic activities to the extent permitted by law, in order to achieve the purposes of the statute. Provided that necessary permissions are obtained, the association may purchase / lease immovable properties on behalf of its legal entity.
Article 8
1. While realizing the objectives in the additional statute of the Association, the members will be working for the public interest.
2. Additional members of the association cannot receive any financial benefits due to their membership. Deep supplementary funds may only be used for statutory purposes

Article 9

The following persons may be members of the association:
a) Citizens of the Republic of Poland or the Republic of Turkey, who are engaged in economic activity within the borders of the Republic of Poland or the Republic of Turkey, b) A
policy that leads to the development of economic relations between Poland and Turkey activity word _ Poland, regardless of the nature of the activity carried out and the place of residence. Republic of Turkey, Republic of Türkiye or any other country's economic activity c) The organization of the activity to be
demonstrated Republic of Poland, Republic of Turkey, regardless of the nature of the activity carried out and the place of residence, provided that it is suitable for its purposes or a citizen of another country.
2. Legal entities can only be supporting members.
3. Real persons who will be deemed worthy of the association or who have achieved success in activities similar to the aims of the association, General Assembly decision are entitled to honorary membership.


Article 10
1. Additional members of the association are natural persons.
2. Applying for additional membership,


  1. a) is over 18 years old,
  2. b) Not having a final punishment for a disgraceful crime,
    c) At least 2 Having
    the reference of an additional member of the Association,
  3. e) Article 9 of the Bylaws. submitting documents proving that he/she fulfills the conditions specified in the article and persons specified in paragraph 1 of Article 9 may be members of the association .


  1. Within 60 days after submission of the application form and required documents, the Administration In the voting in which at least half of the total number of the members of the Board of Directors were present, the Board of Directors Board of Directors takes the decision to accept members to the association with the majority of votes.
    4. Before the Board of Directors takes a decision, it informs the affiliate members about the membership application. The additional members of the association submit their objections to the management within 30 days in documented and written form. The Board of Directors is obliged to evaluate the objection while making the decision regarding the membership application.
    5. The applicant may go to the General Assembly to object to the decision of the Board of Directors. General The decision of the Board at the first meeting on the subject is final.
  2. Membership of the association starts from the date the first subscription is paid.

    Article 11
    1. Additional member of the Association;

  3. a) Election and election for the organs of the association,
  4. b) meetings, work and similar activities to be organized to achieve its objectives the right to participate in other activities

  5. Association members;

  6. a) By actively participating in the activities of the association,
    b) abiding by the provisions of the statute and the decisions of the association organs,
  7. c) acting in accordance with the rules of friendship in the relations between the members and not disturbing the solidarity within the association,
    d) paying the membership fees regularly. they are obliged to

Article 12
1. Deletion of members from the association member list,


  1. a) Submitting a letter of resignation from membership
    directly to the Board of Directors in writing,
  2. b) The member's activity against the bylaws and decisions of the association,
  3. c) Regarding non - participation in the additional activities of the association. not making excuses,
    d) Membership fee Failure to pay for 2 terms without an acceptable excuse,
    e) Written and reasoned petition of at least 10 additional members,
  4. f) Making attitudes, behaviors and statements that harm the honor and dignity of the association.the information and documents required in the
    member's file at the specified time, failure to submit documents that need to be renewed, and / or misrepresentation.


  1. Member, within 21 days after receiving the decision text of the Board of Directors, can appeal to the Supervisory Board.
  2. Members who resigned from membership of the association voluntarily or due to expulsion are not refunded their dues.

    Article 13
    1. Legal entities and other units that do not have legal personality, who will take the decision on the subject The Association shows that they want to become a supporting member of their own volition to the Board of Directors They can submit the document and become a supporting member.
    2. In the same way as above, the supporting membership of the association is terminated.
    3. Supporting member, together with the Board of Directors of the association, determine the type and form of support by announcing the amount of the fee, the frequency of
    the fee or another form of support.
  3. Supporting member;

  4. a) Participating in meetings, studies and activities organized by the Association,
    b) In the position of consultant to the General Assembly and Extraordinary General Assembly Meetings of the Association participation has the right.

  5. Supporting member;

  6. a) To actively participate in the activities of the association,
    b) to act in line with the decisions of the association 's charter and organs,
  7. c) to regularly give the specified support to the association.

Article 14
1. Paragraph 3 of Article 9 persons who have acquired honorary membership
in accordance with it;


  1. a) In the position of advisor to the General Assembly and Extraordinary General Assembly of the Association
  2. b) Participating in meetings, studies and events organized by the Association has the right.

  3. Honorary member;

  4. a) Supporting the association with their own activities,
  5. b) Acting in line with the decisions of the association 's charter and management.

Part II - Organs of
the Association

Article 15
Organs of the Association;
1) General Assembly,
2) Board of Directors,
3) Board of Auditors,
4) Honorary Board,

5) Creates a Disciplinary Board.

Article 16
1. The term of office of all elected organs of the association is 3 years.
2. All decisions of the additional organs of the Association, unless otherwise specified in the statutes and provisions otherwise, at least half of the total number of members authorized to vote is taken in the voting.

  1. All decisions are taken by majority vote.

    Article 17
    1. The General Assembly appoints the Board of Directors until March 31st of each year in which the election is held. The Board of Directors notifies the members of the association
    in writing at least 30 days in advance of the date and agenda of the General Assembly.


  1. Board of Directors, Extraordinary General Assembly;

  2. a) A petition of the Board of Auditors,
    b) A written and reasoned petition of at least 20% of the members of the Association,
    c) Invites a meeting on the
    initiative of the Board of


  1. Half of the total number of members must attend the first session of the General Assembly Meeting. In the second session, the meeting is held regardless of the number of members, but the time of the session is announced before the meeting. Second session, after the first session It cannot be done before half an hour.

  2. To the General Assembly Meeting;


  1. a) Regular association members who have the right to elect and be elected.
  2. b) Supporting and honorary members in the position of advisor, they attend.

General Assembly meetings are held on the day, time and place specified in the call. will attend the General Assembly The members go to the meeting place by signing their names on the list prepared by the Board of Directors. they enter. The person who will attend the meeting instead of the main member has signed a power of attorney or the relevant main member. may attend the meeting by presenting the assignment and voting letter.

Management and security of the meeting belongs to the Chairman of the Council. At the meeting the issues discussed and the decisions taken are written in a minute by the clerks and the Court It is signed jointly by the chairman and the scribes.

The General Assembly is concluded by discussing and deciding on the agenda items. At the end of the meeting, all the minutes and documents are given to the Chairman of the Board of Directors. my management The Chairman of the Board of Directors will keep these documents and give the newly elected Board of Directors seven days. liable to deliver.

It is obligatory to include the following matters in the meeting minutes;


  1. a) The place and date of the meeting,
  2. b) Names of the Chairman and members of the Council,
  3. c) Number of members present and signed list of participating members,
  4. d) That the General Assembly has been called in accordance with Statute and the quorum for the meeting detection,


e ) agenda items,

  1. f) Petitions and written applications,
  2. g) All voting results (yes, no, abstention, invalid),
  3. h) Decisions taken and objections made,
    within the jurisdiction of the 5th General Assembly:
    a) Examining, approving and approving the reports of the Board of Directors and the Board of Auditors their acquittal,
    b) Election of the association's additional organs,
    c) Taking the decision to amend
    the charter,
  4. d) Taking the decision of the association 's additional work program,
    e) Taking decisions regarding the establishment of new initiatives such as foundation and fund establishment,
  5. f) Discussing and accepting the budget prepared by the board of directors as it is or by changing it,
  6. g) Determining the annual fee amount,
  7. h) Purchase/rent of necessary immovable properties on behalf of the Association or sale/rent of existing properties,
    I) Examining the objections made by the members regarding the decision taken
    by the additional organs of the association,
  8. j) Members of the association regarding the activities of the Board of Directors
  9. k) Granting the honorary membership of the association,
    i) Taking the decision to dissolve
    the association,
  10. m) Taking the decision regarding the General Assembly Meeting rules,
    n) Examining other issues in the meeting held for discussion in the General Assembly


  1. Authorization of the agenda of the Extraordinary General Assembly to convene a body or the General Assembly determined by a person.

  2. Extraordinary General Assembly Meeting is held within a period not exceeding 45 days after the written and reasoned petition is submitted to the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors notifies its members that the meeting will be held within 30 days before the meeting date.


Article 18
1. The Board of Directors consists of
5 to 11 members elected by the General Assembly and 5 to 11 alternate members.
2. The Board of Directors, in its first session, consists of a Chairman of the Board of Directors and a Board of Directors. It elects the Vice Chairman of the Board, and also among the members of the association or non-members. appoints the General Secretary of the Association from among Board of Directors works, Management the Chairman manages the Board.

  1. The Board of Directors is within its jurisdiction:

  2. a) Managing the association 's work and using the funds in accordance with the
    association's additional work program determined by the General Assembly,
  3. b) acting on behalf of the association and representing the association outside,
  4. c) Calling the Ordinary and Extraordinary General Assembly to a meeting,
    d) Membership matters, namely admission to the association and expulsion of the member from the association


  1. The Chairman of the Board of Directors convenes the Board of Directors, and in the temporary absence of the Chairman, the Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors convenes. Meetings may not be held less frequently than once a month.


  1. If the member of the board of directors does not attend the meetings of the board of directors 3 times in a row or 6 times a year in total, without excuse, the member of the board of directors can be removed from the board with the decision of the absolute majority.

    Article 19
    The Secretary General manages the work of the Board of Directors Secretariat and is the implementer of the Board 's decisions. The Secretary General is appointed for a term equal to the term of office of the organs of the association. The secretary attends the meetings of the Board of Directors as a consultant.


Article 20
1. The Supervisory Board consists of 3 to 5 members elected by the General Assembly and 3 to 5 alternate members. Deputies participate in the work of the Supervisory Board as consultants.
2. The Supervisory Board elects a Chairman and a Vice-President
from among themselves at its first session.

  1. In the jurisdiction of the Supervisory Board;

  2. a) Auditing the actual and financial activities of the association's organs at least once a year,
    b ) Submitting the reports written as a result of the audits to the General Assembly and giving an opinion to the General Assembly for the acquittal of the Board of Directors ,
  3. c) Submitting the minutes kept after the audit with the results to the Board of Directors,
    d) Submitting a petition to call the Extraordinary General Assembly,
    e) Evaluating the results sent by the Board of Directors to the General Assembly and giving an opinion

  4. Members of the Supervisory Board may participate in the work of the Board of Directors without having the right to vote.
    5. In cases based on special reasons, the Supervisory Board may suspend the member's membership if it considers that the activities of the members of the Board of Directors do not clearly comply with the Association's Bylaws and the law. In such a case, the Chairman of the Board directly Submits a written and reasoned petition to the Presidency or the Vice Presidency. In this way, the Supervisory Board can take the same decision for the Secretary General.

    Article 21
  5. 7 to 9 members who are not members of the Honor Board, the Board of Directors and the Supervisory Board and consists of 7 to 9 alternate members.
  6. Complaints and petitions about the organs of the association, within the jurisdiction of the Honor Board The examination
    of all petitions of the members of the association other than the other.
  7. The Honor Board gives its decision within 30 days after receiving the petition.
    4. The Honor Board closes the event with the decision it has conveyed to all additional members of the association.
    5. Objections to the decision of the Honor Board are made to the General Assembly.
  8. Decisions of the Honor Board, in the voting in which at least 5 of the total number of members are present, vote taken in abundance.
    7. Objections to the decision of the Honorary Board, 14 days after the decision is communicated to the additional members of the association. may be made to the General Assembly.


Article 22

The Disciplinary Board consists of 3 principal and 2 substitutes to be elected for three years among the permanent members of the General Assembly. consists of members. At its first meeting, it determines its own working system. In matters pertaining to the discipline, business ethics, behavior, public image of the association and other matters to be submitted to it by the Board of Directors. decides matters.

Article 23 If there is a decrease
in the number of members of the Board of Directors, Supervisory Board, Discipline Board or Honorary Board during the term of office, this deficiency is corrected by the deputy member of the relevant body who received the highest number of votes in the voting to be held.

Article 24
1. Income of the Association:

  1. a) Annual dues,
  2. b) Income from the assets of the association,
  3. c) Donations and aids,
  4. d) Revenues generated through projects carried out by the Association.

  5. Assets and funds of the Association the Board of Directors manages.
    3. Two members of the Board of Directors are jointly authorized
    to represent the Association and in matters related to its assets.
  6. The General Assembly determines the amount of membership fee at its first session. Changing the amount of the contribution is also made by the votes of the General Assembly. These decisions are taken by majority vote.
  7. The revenues of the association are collected with the receipt and expenses are made with the expenditure document.
  8. Association Books and Records;
  9. a) Member Registry: Identities of the members of the association, the dates of entry to the association, Annual subscription fees are recorded in this book.
  10. b) Decision Book: Decisions of the Board of Directors are recorded in this book in order of date and number. It is written and six of its decisions are signed by the President and the members.
  11. c) Incoming and Outgoing Document Book: Incoming and outgoing documents, date and number is recorded in the ledger. The originals of the incoming documents and the copies of the outgoing documents are in their files. is stored.
  12. d) Income and Expense Book: All monies received on behalf of the Association, and the places where the money spent are also given are open and regularly in this book.
  13. e) Budget Final Account and Balance Sheet Book: Budget, final accounts and balance sheets processed in the ledger.
  14. f) Fixtures Book: The fixtures belonging to the Association are recorded in this book.

    Article 25
    For the amendment of the statute and the dissolution of the association, the General Assembly must take a decision
    by majority vote in the voting in which half of the members authorized to vote are present.


  1. After the dissolution of the Association and the fulfillment of its financial obligations, the remaining assets will be shared equally between the Polish Red Cross and the Turkish Red Crescent.


  1. For matters not mentioned in this Regulation, the provisions of the Polish Law of Associations and the Civil Code shall apply.

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